داستان آبیدیک

computation workload


1 کامپیوتر و شبکه:: بار محاسبات

Based on the system model and the application model, task mapping can be modeled as a mapping relation M between a graph set tt and a processor set S denoted by M : tt S, where each task from the targeted application is mapped onto its appropriate processor determining the computation workload on each processor, and precedent dependencies between tasks on different processors are mapped as inter- processor communications. Objective function: to achieve best performance, we con- vert load balance, inter-processor communication minimiza- tion, and communication pipeline allocation into minimizing the total computation workload gap of all processors(Wtt), the number of inter-processor communications(CN ), and the left amount of inter-processor communication time after com- munication pipeline is applied(CP ), given by (1). The degree of load balance can be reflected from the similarity of the computation workload of all processors. Wtt is repre- sented by the sum of the gap between each processor workload and the average computation workload of all processors.

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